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The Project Implementation Unit of the program of Global Fund against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
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The Global Fund granted programs are being implemented in the country for 5 years. Programs work in close partnership with government and non-government organizations, international agencies in realizing measures to fight AIDS epidemic and mitigate its negative influence in the society. In 2009, The Ministry of Health applied to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, with Round 9 HIV proposal to ensure the continuation and scaling up of activities initiated within the Round 4 HIV program. The Round 9 HIV project will focus on sustaining the existing interventions and initiating new activities. Name of the project is Streamlining the response to HIV/AIDS epidemic in Azerbaijan by strengthening national capacities and scaling up prevention and treatment, with emphasis on the most at risk population groups and civil society participation. In the framework of this project following activities are carried out: (i) HIV prevention and transmission among general population; (ii) harm reduction activities in vulnerable groups; (iii) ARV treatment; (iv) life skills based education at schools; (v) HIV lab facilities provision; (vi) VCT expansion; (vii) general access to prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission; and (viii) care and support to PLWHA.. The goal of the program is to ensure multisectoral approach to HIV control in the country. Harm reduction programs will be realized by NGOs and devoted to strengthening HIV prevention among risk groups. 36 projects on harm reduction will be supported by the program. Services like education, psychological, legal support, HIV and TB treatment, STI will be included into these projects. In the framework of Round 9 HIV project access to HIV services in the penitentiary sector will be strengthened and expanded. For this purpose Main Medical Department of the Ministry of Justice will get technical support. As well as for the first time in the penitentiary sector it is intended to begin ARV treatment for HIV patients. As it was in Round 4 HIV grant (2005-2010), in the framework of Round 9 HIV grant advocacy and communication activities will be continued. Life skills based education (LSBE) activities will cover almost all schools country-wide and there will be trainings for school teachers. Within the project HIV surveillance, voluntary counseling / testing (VCT) and laboratory diagnosis will be strengthened. Almost at all regions of the country expansion of VCT services will be provided. Besides the project is intended to provide technical assistance to strengthening HIV and STI lab system in accordance with regionalisation and decentralisation of HIV/AIDS control services, as well as their integration in one health service and strengthening control system. For this purpose all labs of Republican AIDS Centre will be fully provided with modern equipment. In the framework of the project ARV treatment for HIV patients will be continued. For this purpose medicines and express tests will be procured. The project is also intended to support provision of palliative home based care for AIDS patients. For this purpose, the capacities of the existing NGOs working with PLWHA will be used and the project will assist to the establishment and strengthening of PLWHA peer support groups that will provide community based care and support.